
2024 was the 100th birthday of the Stobie Pole. James Cyril Stobie was educated at Adelaide Tech. Known as Cyril, or simply ‘C’, while working for the Adelaide Electric Supply Company (precursor to SA Power Networks) he became aware of South Australia’s problem with sourcing power poles. A lack suitable timber locally meant poles had to be brought from interstate at considerable expense, and these were being destroyed by termites. His brainwave was to use two steel beams filled in with concrete, impervious not only to termites but to wayward cars.They’re so tough that a Stobie Pole has a working life of up to 80 years, or even longer with new replating technology which can add another 40 years. Cyril was paid £500 for the patent rights. There are now more than 725,000 Stobie poles, with around 4,500 new ones being made each year. Part of an ongoing series of South Australian Icons.
Stobie Pole

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